
Ants Control

Long-Lasting Ant Treatments
You can rely on us to remove nuisance ants from your home & garden with products that are the most effective in complete colony elimination. Ants often make nests close to he house under paving, patios, in walls or in plant pots or lawns. They’re attracted to food, particularly if it’s sticky and sugary – which is why they make their way indoors on the forage. Ants living as a group and set up colonies in natural holes to highly organized colonies that may occupy large numbers consist of millions of ants. Larger colonies consist of various castes of sterile, wingless females, most of which are workers ants, as well as soldier ants and other specialized groups.

Our pest control treatments target the nest by using non-repellent treatments that are undetectable. Ants will continue to trail through treated areas and unknowingly transfer the chemicals on to other ants through physical contact, much like a virus in humans. This method of treatment provides long-lasting ant control in Dubai.

Pharaoh ants: They are sometimes called Sugar Ants and common in Dubai and have a reputation of being one of the hardest ants to control. Pharaoh Ants like to colonize warm, humid areas indoors such as near drains, pipes, and wiring. They prefer dark and warm areas so are often near hot water pipes and are often seen in heated buildings in the colder months in the UAE. Common nesting sites include wall voids, books, behind baseboards and refrigerators, sheets of paper, and even inside electrical switch boxes.

Carpenter: Ants nest in moist, decaying wood outdoors and in homes and buildings. If infestations grow, they may also expand into sound wood. These ants usually have more than one nesting site, including a parent and satellite colonies. Carpenter Ants are controlled through the application of insecticides and sprays in various forms. At times you will have foraging Ants that come inside, forage for food, and then return to their outdoor nests. We can block these foraging Ants using a perimeter treatment with a non-repellent residual insecticides

Pavement ants: When the pavement ant’s colony is outdoors, it can be easily found by the mound of soil over top the nest. This ant builds its colony beneath concrete cracks (“pavement”), rocks, driveways, sidewalks, and logs. It tunnels into the soil to dig out its colony, pushing the dirt up through the top of its nest, creating the mini sandhill-like mound

Carpenter Ants are the most conspicuous of ants found in and around structures. They are large black ants. Nests are typically constructed in moist or decaying wood. Carpenter Ants do not consume wood, but rather construct their nest by ripping wood apart. The most common and aggressive kind of ant is red imported Fire Ant, which is reddish-brown and about 1/8-inch long. Fire Ants can sting, causing red, swollen spots that blister, itch, and hurt. If a person who gets stung by a fire ant will feel a sharp pain and burning. The symptoms of an allergic reaction include red patches on the skin that sting and itch, nausea, dizziness, a dry throat, or trouble in breathing.

Ants control service and treatments mainly focus to terminate the ant colonies, the source of Ants infestation. We used most advanced Ants Control methods including insecticidal sprays, Ant bait station fixing and gel applications around door thresholds, at the junction between walls and floors/surfaces, along windowsills and all infested areas to help ants eradication. If ants have become a problem for you, please call us on (04) 2394317, (054) 31 999 41. we would be happy to discuss your requirements.

For quick service, call us today on

04-239 4317, 054- 31999 41.